Real time notes from the road

I’ve been in Chicago for the past week and I think my last blog post calling it “the agony and the ecstasy” has been spot on.  I thought I would share with you what my first big foray out into re-entry has been like.

The agony

  • Those darned ingrained habits.  I reach for my mask when I get near another person, even if we are outside, which is (in my perspective based on what I’ve read and heard) not necessary.  But it’s so hard to break those habits, especially ones born out of survival instincts and fear!

  • Oh the crowds!  It was definitely hugely anxiety-inducing to see big crowds of people, which I’ve become accustomed to treating as a thing to be avoided.  Thankfully, having friends to navigate the situation with was a salve on that anxiety.

The ecstasy

  • HUGGING FRIENDS!!!  Does this even need to be explained??  After 14 months of “6 feet away!!”, finally getting to hug people (especially ones I haven’t seen in so long) is downright decadent.

  • Absolutely gorgeous Chicago spring weather.  It was so restorative to be outside, walking around, enjoying meals while sitting in the sun, and getting to see the city in its most beautiful glory.

  • Connecting and reconnecting with people.  I got to see friends I haven’t seen in over two years, meet clients who I’ve been working with for a year and never met in person, and see other friends I left when I moved out of LA.  It was almost absurdly delightful.

The silver lining

  • To use Glennon Doyle’s phrase, I remember I can do hard things.  It was hard to ramp up for the trip, it was hard managing parts of it, but I did it.  And I’m OK.  And along the way, there was so much joy and love.

  • I am reminded of my deep love for travel.  Even though it felt so foreign and my travel-muscle memory was almost zero, it came back to me over the course of the trip.  I remember how alive I feel when I’m in other places, meeting new people, having new experiences, and all the reasons I prioritize spending time, energy and money to be out in the world.

Here’s to our emergence, at whatever speed, and the reminder that we are resilient and strong, more so than we probably even realize.

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