Alene Gabriel, Founder
PCC, BA in Psychology, background in consumer research
Some stories have an “Aha!” moment that creates jagged turns, and others journey along like a lazy river, winding gently but flowing steadily. Mine is somewhere in between.
I have always lived my life “on track.” I went through school making good grades, playing sports after school, following the rules and being “a good kid.” I went to college, finished in 3.5 years (thank you AP classes!) and got a job right out of college. I paid my Visa bill in full each month, fed and clothed myself, built a little savings nest, and never missed a rent payment. I was, by most definitions, a shining example of an accomplished young lady.
Fast forward about a decade of being in the working world and, by most accounts, an “adult.” I had achieved what most would agree was a solid degree of success, was making enough money to take care of myself and travel, and largely feeling like I enjoyed my job. And then a few simple questions changed everything: Why did I show up each day (not just to my job, but in my life in general)? What deeply mattered to me?
After almost two years of noodling on these, expanding my mindset to welcome new perspectives on how I view the world (and what impact that has on how I experience my life each day), it had become very clear what I wanted to focus on: empowering others to create the lives they wanted, and to experience joy and ease while doing it. I had been doing this all along by mentoring people on my team, helping guide others in ways they wanted to develop, building strong functional teams that had FUN, lending an ear or a shoulder when coworkers or friends hit a bump in the road, and offering different perspectives as they grappled through their journey.
And once I realized it, there was no other suitable path. Unleashing our powerful leaders within and coaching were the only ways I wanted to move forward. That bell could not be un-rung.
Today, I seek to empower, engage, and support others as they traverse careers, relationships and adventures in their paths. Allow Blue Sky Coaching to be your co-pilot – there’s no reason to go it alone.