Closing down the year: Part 2

Last week began my end-of-the-year closing down, starting with reflections about this past year and how things have unfolded.  Time is one of those funny things that simultaneously feels like it has flown by and also taken forever.  Things that happened in January feel like last week, and other things like Thanksgiving already feel like they were months ago.

Looking back at this year, I am filled with remembrances of travel adventures, the building of new and longstanding relationships, books read, steps run, meals cooked, hardships endured, challenges faced (with varying results)…it is actually quite extraordinary to see all that has happened in just a year.

And now, the other side of this closing year:  a look ahead…

The end of the year exists in my mind a bit like a picture or a movie, where that last scene has the lights dimming as the room closes in or the camera heads for the door.  The ending.  It’s actually a very warm and cozy image in my mind and feels ripe for snuggling in and getting a little dreamy about what I want in the next year.

Like the reflections, there are so many ways to think about a new year – many suggestions of which exist in the internet ether with a quick basic search.  But I like to think about mine in very basic terms:

  • Who do I want to spend time with?

  • Where do I want to be?

  • What new experiences do I want to have?

  • What things (tangible or intangible) do I want more or less of?

  • What do I want to create?

How do you like to approach a new year?  Whatever the way, I wish you the peace and fullness of looking forward to a new chapter, however you define that…

May you have a safe and joyful foray into the new year!

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