Jigsaw puzzle or life strategy?

My mom and I have done puzzles since I was a kid.  One of the highlights of the Christmas holiday was that there was time to break out a big puzzle and sit by the fire while we worked it!

This weekend, I was home visiting and my mom had just opened a puzzle.  We went at it with our usual enthusiasm and I realized that the way I tackle puzzles is very much the way I tackle things in my life.  And that seemed like a system worth sharing.

When I work on a puzzle, I start by turning all the pieces over and while doing that, I separate all the edge pieces.  (I categorically refuse to do those ridiculous puzzles that have serrated edges, that’s just cruel).  Then, I put the border together.  Next, I pick some image or common theme of color(s) and start gathering all those pieces and work on that area of the puzzle, and continue that process until the puzzle is done.

When I think about that process, that’s very much like how I do things in my life:

  • Define the playground.  What am I doing next?  In what time frame?  With who?  This is like outlining the border of the puzzle.  Without defining some parameters, the options are almost too open and overwhelming.

  • Break things down into manageable parts.  When I was young and would get into a puzzle, I would just try to start fitting pieces together, eager for that first cardboard “click”, not realizing that that was the least likely way to make that happen.  Similarly now, when I’m up to something (building or shifting my business, planning a big trip, etc.), I start with one part of it and build from there.  Getting those first wins under your belt goes such a long way!

  • Taking breaks is key.  If you sit down to a puzzle and don’t get up until finished, you’ll end up cross-eyed and with a huge headache.  Same thing in life.  We need time to rest and recover before we can dive back in!

  • It’s more fun together.  Doing a puzzle on your own can be fun – you get to do it exactly how you want to and you have the satisfaction of knowing it was all you.  But.  It’s more fun to have someone to chat with, someone you can ask “does this go here?” when you’re not sure, and someone who can take on that part that is all blue with no color variations.  Life is just more fun when others are part of it – invite others along for the ride!

How do you do puzzles?  How do you do life?

Get that border made!  Then tackle specific areas!

Get that border made! Then tackle specific areas!

Separate out pieces that are similar to make it easier to put them together…

Separate out pieces that are similar to make it easier to put them together…

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