This is #15

#15 of what, you ask?  This is my 15th consecutive blog since my goal, 15 weeks ago, to post a blog once a week.


This is a big deal to me given that prior to starting this, I had probably posted an average of 5 blogs a year.  Seriously.  You can go back and see for yourself.  Oh, there might be two or three right in a row, a few days or a week apart, but then you’ll see months between the next ones.  Despite loving to write, I just couldn’t get a handle on regular posting.

But this year I really wanted that to be different.  Writing is important to me and I’m always so tickled any time someone reads my blog and leaves a comment or sends me an email.  I like to imagine that maybe something I write will spark a conversation or a new way to think about something.

So this goal felt really important to me – which is probably a key reason I’ve kept it up.  But I’ve learned a few things in the course of keeping this goal that I thought I would share with you in honor of #15:

  • Tell someone else what your goal is.  If you’re like me and hate breaking your word, it will help hold you accountable.

  • Just do the thing and don’t get precious about it.  I can tell you that at least half of these 15 blogs were not my best work, but that was never my intent.  I wanted to write, and I wanted to share ideas and thoughts and conversation-starters with other people.  If I hold it so tightly that it needs to be “publish-worthy,” I know I’d never post.

  • Any encouragement is meaningful.  Would I love to have millions of readers?  Sure, who wouldn’t.  It’s probably more like a couple dozen, but sometimes I get an email from someone or a comment on one of the channels I posted to and I feel downright gleeful knowing something I wrote mattered to just one person.  Just to be clear:  most times, this is my mom.  Thanks mom!!!

  • Progress, even slow progress, matters.  After 15 weeks, it’s a little easier to put my thoughts together, a little easier to find the words that match those thoughts, a little easier to let go of the worry about whether it’s good enough.  I wonder what will be easier 15 weeks from now…

What will you make your first iteration of today?


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