Manifesting for Skeptics

Manifesting your awesome life seems like the self-help topic de jour in recent years, but much of the time it seems like it’s received with a heaping dose of dubious side-eye.  So this post is for the skeptics out there who are doubtful but maybe also kinda wanna jump on the bandwagon.

I’ve heard many people share different ways to manifest something they deeply desire.  Spoiler alert:  it’s not just lying around on your couch, eating Cheetos, waiting for something super awesome to fall in your lap.  Believe me…I’ve tried.  The only thing falling in your lap is orange dust.

However, in hearing all these stories, I noticed a few common themes that, even if you don’t believe in manifesting, I think you can make use of to move yourself toward the things you want:

  • Get specific about what you want.  This may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people want something like a house or a vacation or a new job, and because everyone knows what those things are, no one pushes us to envision them any further.  But if you really want that house (or vacation or job, etc.), GET SPECIFIC.  How big is the house (how many bedrooms, is there a den)?  Where is it (what city / state / country)?  What’s nearby (a great coffee shop, the library, a park)?  When you sit down and think through all these things, you get super connected to what you want and it becomes easier to focus your energy and effort in the exact direction it needs to go.  Now, you’re not distracted by every single house for sale; you quickly hone in on those 3BR/2BA beauties right by the park.

  • Figure out WHY you want what you want, in order to open up possibilities.  Do you want that vacation because you hate your job and want to escape?  Sure, you’d still enjoy a vacation, but knowing your why might help you realize some of your energy might be better spent looking for different work that doesn’t make you want to run away from your life.  Take that vacation, and start outlining what that awesome new job could be.

  • When something crosses your path, check if it brings you closer to what you want – and if so, go get it!  OK, maybe you outlined your dream job and no one has rushed up to you on the street with an offer letter in their hand.  But maybe your friend just found this coding workshop and doesn’t want to go alone…and coding is a key new skill for you to learn for your dream job.  Your friend just found their workshop crutch and you just got one step closer to your dream job!

  • Call it whatever you want.  Is “manifesting” too woo-woo for you?  How about strategic planning?  Organizing?  Game planning?  Call it what you want – when it comes down to it, it’s about getting committed to taking something that is a daydream and turning it into your everyday reality.  Don’t let semantics get in your way.

Have a great story of something you’ve manifested??  I WANT TO HEAR IT!!  I love these stories.  Send me an email or share your story in whatever channel you found this blog post as a reminder to yourself and others that you can go out and get what you want!

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