Morning ritual

I’ve heard and read all sorts of things about morning rituals and a variety of suggestions about what that should be.  But when it all comes down to it, I think the secret is this:

Simply HAVE ONE.

Whatever yours is, do just that.

Mine happens to be waking up, making my bed, meditating, and having tea while reading my current non-fiction of choice.  (I read tons of fiction, but I reserve morning reading time for learning something, while I’m most fresh and unencumbered by the day’s thoughts.)

But here’s the thing – whatever yours is, it’s a chance to start your day in a specific, intentional way, instead of letting the day take you for a walk (or a run, or a tumble down a mountain, depending on the day).  When I’ve started the day my way, I am more likely to be in conscious control of my later choices, less likely to feel chaotic or at the mercy of whatever the day has in store, and it’s the part of the day that is all mine.

And here’s the other thing – it doesn’t have to be a whole big thing or some complicated process.  Even if you decide that your morning ritual will be to get out of bed, stretch your arms out, and take five deep breaths before doing anything else (like looking at your phone or checking on the kids or unloading the dishwasher), it’s still YOURS.  And if whatever ritual you choose starts out simply enough, it’ll be easier to hang onto, or even expand it, over time.

So the question comes down to – who do you want to have the first say in your day?

Mornings at home…

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