Some stories have an “Aha!” moment that turns life on its head, and others journey along like a lazy river, winding gently but flowing steadily.
Mine is somewhere in between.
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are, and that privilege doesn’t expire with age.
–Carl Jung
I have always lived my life “on track.” I went through school making good grades, playing sports after school, following the rules and being “a good kid”. I went to college, finished in 3.5 years (thank you AP classes!) and got a job right out of college. I paid my Visa bill in full each month, fed and clothed myself, built a little savings nest, and never missed a rent payment. I was, by most definitions, a shining example of an accomplished young lady.
Fast forward through about a decade of working and adulting, I had achieved what most would agree was a solid degree of success, made enough to take care of myself and travel, and was generally happy at work and in life.
(Wait, is there a twist? This sounds pretty average…)
I started to feel an itch. An unrepenting sensation that I hadn’t, in fact, gotten it all right. After working with a coach and, for the first time, answering questions like “What do I REALLY want?” and “What’s keeping me from getting that?”, it became uncomfortably clear that I could stay the course, complacent with all the trappings of what most of us are trained to strive for – or I could leave that safe perch and go for what would REALLY make me come alive.
And that’s when things got interesting.
Suddenly, I realized the best part of my work wasn’t my “actual” job responsibilities, but instead the times when I was helping others get promoted or move on to something different or re-organizing their team to work better. I wanted to spend ALL my time helping other people feel that unbridled power to take control of their lives and situations.
And once I realized it, there was no other suitable path. Unleashing our powerful selves, in life and in work, was the ONLY thing I wanted to focus on going forward. That bell could not be un-rung.
From there, I created the life and business that allow me to have the whole picture that I envisioned. Make no mistake – I still fight that old programming, but I know what I’m fighting for, and how to do it. And that’s what I’m here to help others do, too.
There’s no reason to go it alone.
She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by—
And never knew.
– Shel Silverstein