Coaching For Individuals

“Dreams are fun when they are distant. The imagination loves to play with possibilities when there is no risk of failure.

But when you find yourself on the verge of action, you pause. You can feel the uncertainty of what lies ahead. Thoughts swirl. Maybe this isn't the right time? Failure is possible now.

What you do in that pause is the crucible that forges you. It is the dividing line between being the type of person who thinks about it or the type of person who goes for it.”

– James Clear

Which type of person will you be?

You see a big future for yourself.

Maybe it’s…

turning that side hustle into a business

taking your business to the next level

writing that book

making a radical career shift

Whatever it is, you want it so bad even though it feels just out of reach – but you’re not willing to let it go.

The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it. But that it is too low…and we reach it.


Don’t know where to start?

No idea how to get there?

Need a partner to encourage and hold you accountable?

You’re in the right place.

This is where you come to dream, to plan, to build.

One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.

– Paul Coelho

Here’s how we can work together:

 Half-Day Intensive


A dedicated half-day worksession to create clarity and a roadmap forward


Define the scope and shape of what you want, identify obstacles, create a roadmap for your goal and ways to manage roadblocks


A clear plan to get to your vision with habits, systems, and mindsets to support you along the way

6-Month Coaching Package


Ongoing engagement and accountability over six months to get where you’re going


A Discovery Session to create clarity of vision, 12 sessions to move you toward your vision and deal with obstacles


Clarity of vision, accountability and support as you work toward it, and systems and habits that will support you long after coaching concludes

What are you waiting for?

Book a call to connect live and get started today!

To live is the rarest thing in the world.  Most people exist, that’s all.

– Oscar Wilde