After a heavy week (see previous blog post), I spent a day with a dear friend wandering through the Oakland Zoo, watching animals eat, sleep, and play. It was so simple and easy. I was reminded that sometimes, when things get heavy and overly complex, life is actually quite simple and we as creatures are quite simple. Not to mention that when you’re surrounded by kids who are also playing and asking their earnestly curious questions, it’s hard to stay too wound up and it’s that much easier to stay in the present moment.
Interestingly enough, the very same day I got an email from another dear friend with the link to this CNN article about little pep talk messages that originated at a northern California school. I highly encourage you to read this brief piece and listen to the messages. You won’t be disappointed. In fact, you will very likely crack a smile or laugh.
We spend most of our lives wanting to grow up, wanting to be older (and have all the things that “being older” comes with), wanting to be an adult. Meanwhile, the simple child in us that got phased out over years of cultural conditioning has everything we need when it comes to taming the increasing complexities of our world.
My trip to the zoo and this uplifting story were timely reminders to bring it back to what we all know, have in fact known all along, and have access to any time we wish to keep it simple. Today’s short blog post is my reminder to you to get back to the playground (figuratively OR literally!) and make our chosen complexities simple again.