Round Table Pizza has been my local pizza joint since I was a kid. They were the go-to place for soccer game celebrations with the team or an easy Friday night dinner with the family. It had a great salad bar (not something you often hear about a pizza place) and a tiny arcade that, even with only three machines, was a huge draw. In addition to those machines, there were two or three little dispensers that would spit out toys or gum or – best of all – stickers, in exchange for our hard-earned quarters.
Those sticker dispensers were my kryptonite. I used to beg for quarters to get a shiny sticker delivered between that little cardboard flap. Imagine my parents’ surprise when I built up a collection of bunny stickers.
Playboy Bunny stickers, that is.
Not that a 7-year-old has any idea what Playboy Bunnies are or the significance of what is simply a cute shiny bunny in a bow tie.
But that’s just it. Things are not always as they seem. It depends on who’s looking and from what vantage point.
Where do you hold a strong belief that, if viewed through your 7-year-old eyes, just might take on a whole new (simpler) meaning?