Like what you like. Want what you want. Be who you are.
I’ve been thinking about these very simple phrases for months now. Each one is a clear directive – accept what is.
And yet we spend so much of our time and energy fighting it instead.
Dressing the way we think someone expects us to instead of how we want. Reading things we think will make us sound smart instead of what interests us. Spending time with people who we may share commonalities with but who don’t light us up.
We fight it so hard. In fact, we argue for the very things that make us feel small and miserable, that wither us from the inside out. When challenged about why we do or say something counter to what is true for us, we dig in all that much harder.
“But I have to look this way if I want to be taken seriously!”
“It doesn’t matter that I hate being in rooms full of strangers, I’ll never get a new job if I don’t go to this networking event!”
“I can go to the botanical gardens any time, I should really go to that museum exhibit everyone is talking about.”
What would it be like if we took all that time, energy, and effort it took to fight what’s trying to emerge from our insides and simply let our truth stand?
Like what you like. Want what you want. Be who you are.