Are we confident and then we do big things? Or do we do big things and become confident?
Like magic diet pills, people always seem to want to find the fast-track to feeling more confident. But like being healthy, you can’t just magically make yourself confident and there is no real shortcut other than to put in the work.
I often have clients marvel at the confidence of others. They wonder how others can feel so confident and what the secret is. Like many other “secrets” of success, the answer is rather boring: confident people have put in the work.
I bet the first time Brené Brown or Tony Robbins spoke in front of others, they were nervous. Maybe their voices even wobbled. They probably tripped over their words or forgot what they wanted to say at some point or another. But the thing is – they kept doing it. They’ve probably both been on thousands of stages and I bet they didn’t just feel confident the first time out there. But somewhere along the way, after showing up again and again and again, they probably built that big, beautiful confidence we see in them now.
So the real question isn’t “How can I feel more confident?” – the better question to ask oneself is, “What do I want so much that I’m willing to do it again and again, BEFORE I feel confident, until I build that confidence?”