Confidence and first times

I went to Penn Station for the first time last week to take a train from NYC to Philly.

Now, I’m a pretty seasoned traveler and I’m used to navigating my way (with help from signage and the occasional friendly local) through unfamiliar places.

But there is something about navigating to a new place when you’re on a schedule with a literal train to catch that can make me feel wildly unconfident and nervous. I start to doubt my understanding of basic and clear signage, thinking surely I’ve got it wrong, slowing my steps, sometimes even doubling back to look again, only to continue on in the exact same route because, yes, I did read that right.

That’s the thing about first times though. You don’t feel confident doing something you’ve never done. That’s how you BUILD the confidence.

Next time I know I will breeze right through the subway tunnels, strutting comfortably along, to arrive at that big beautiful train hall like a regular…but more importantly, I know that each next new first time will build that muscle of confidence and reassurance. Here’s to more first times for all of us!

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