In honor of the Summer Solstice

Though I am writing this prior to June 21, it’s posted on the 21st, which is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year.  Well, really, the day with the most hours of light.

The extra light offers us a chance to spend a little more time looking closely at things that are begging to be examined (or maybe re-examined).  This post is an offer to you to join me in reflecting, if you are so inclined.

Here are the places in which I am spending my time in reflection:

  • Where are my thoughts, words, and actions in alignment, and where do they diverge?  (Said another way:  Where am I acting in integrity with how I feel, and where am I not?)

  • How much of my energy am I spending on the things that matter most to me?  And how much am I spending on everything else?

  • If I left this earth tomorrow, what things would I be gutted to have left undone, unpursued, or unsaid?

  • What are the distractions that take me away where I want to go or who I want to be?

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