Whenever people say someone is thriving, I always image the person skipping through fields of wildflowers with light and sparkles radiating off them. There’s usually some dramatic music playing the background too. It’s quite cinematic.
But really, thriving in one’s life is often, well, BORING.
Building a life that is healthy, that is fulfilled, that has low stress, that has joy and wonder, is a matter of engaging in a multitude of teeny, tiny boring behaviors that together amount to a beautifully functioning system that keeps things in order and leaves room for us to engage fully and experience those highs (and, of course, the lows too) that make for a thriving life.
If you were to consider someone who you feel is thriving and take a deep-dive into their life, I bet you would find at least some if not all of these:
Meditation to set themselves up with a clear mind
Moving their body every day to stay agile and alert
Putting a part of their paycheck away each month to build financial security over time
Drinking water throughout the day
Spending time with or talking to others to create strong, lasting connections
Having a standard bedtime to create good sleep habits
We forget that so much of a life well-lived – a thriving life – is built on small, maybe even boring, but crucial behaviors that we show up and do, day-after-day, week-after-week, year-after-year. Things that allow us that steady baseline of living well, so we have the fortitude to go on to THRIVE.