Three Years!

This post comes to you at the three-year mark of this blog.


Mostly, I am just celebrating.  I remember being ecstatic (and writing a blog post about it) when I hit 15 blogs in a row (meaning, posting 15 weeks in a row).  And then being practically dumbfounded when the one-year mark rolled around.  And here I am, tagging into completion year three.

I have no idea how this will continue to unfold.  In year two, I realized I wanted summer and winter breaks, so now I take two weeks off in summer and winter.  This past year, I leaned into keeping the blogs shorter and to the point.  What will I discover or learn in this next year?

I also want to celebrate you, my dear readers.  When I started the blog, I asked a dozen or so family and friends if they wanted to receive my weekly email with my blog, to feel like I was really writing FOR someone.  I only included people in my email list if they opted in (no spamming my entire contact list for something they didn’t sign up for).  It has always been opt-in (and opt-out, which some have done over time), and the list is now up to 64 people who have opted into my weekly email.  I feel gratitude for each person who has consciously and intentionally opted to join me each week.  And some of you come in from LinkedIn, I thank you for that too!

All in all, I am filled with gratitude for:  the part of me that worked to keep with this habit, for each of you who continues to stick with me week after week, for all you one-time visitors and readers, and for the endless inspiration that comes to me every week, sometimes in the form of delight and other times in the form of challenge.  All these components make this such a beautiful lived experience for me.

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