I read a lot of articles and listen to a lot of podcasts that feature very “successful” people. Filling in the blanks depending on the person, they often have a guest intro that goes something like this:
This awesome person is the author of BOOK and head of POSITION at HIGH PROFILE COMPANY. After graduating from IMPRESSIVE UNIVERSITY, s/he quickly established him/herself as an expert in THIS CATEGORY, becoming a highly sought after speaker and consultant. S/He helped THIS IMPRESSIVE BUSINESS make several important acquisitions, catapulting it to the top of its category. S/He was ranked #1 in THIS ARBITRARY BUT ENVIOUS LIST OF PEOPLE.
After a bio like that, it’s hard not to look around and sheepishly wonder…what the heck have I been doing with my life??!
It can take me a day or two of ruminating and pontificating to finally come around to the real crux of the issue that this ignites: many of us have not clearly identified what a successful life, truly, is for us. So when someone else’s impressive CV pops up in front of us, it’s impossible not to feel behind. And, being surrounded by a culture that quite flippantly labels success as having money, power, or fame (best yet, all three) means that it’s hard to even imagine we can have our own definition.
But that is our true work when it comes to success: defining it for ourselves. I’ve come to believe that in this very short, precious life I have, the highest order of success is to be fully and unapologetically who I am, do what I want, and have what sustains me.
These could be misinterpreted to mean having all the things, and doing whatever I want, and being an asshole, but stop a minute to really consider each of these. What if you could be true to your exact self in every moment, without apologizing for being too quiet or too giggly or too inquisitive (or too whatever)? What if how you spent your time reflected your deepest interests and passions? What if you could live blissfully with simply the things that helped you be you and do what you do, without the chase of all those other shiny but meaningless objects?
So, naturally my questions for you are…who are you, truly? How do you want to spend your one precious life? What actually sustains you?