Quantity and quality

When I traveled in my younger, early years of exploration, I tried to squeeze in everything that I could.  I took a three-week trip to Europe with girlfriends one summer in college (you know those trips – hostels, cheap meals from street vendors, finding the free deals in cities, etc.) and we saw eight cities in three weeks.  It equated to 2-3 days in each city.  We explored four countries, tasted all kinds of food, and saw major sites in each place.  It was thrilling.

But the travel I do now is dramatically different.

Having done the all-you-can-eat buffet-style blitz of European cities, I’m back in the zone and taking a different approach.  I’ve seen the big “traditional sites” and the part of travel that feels deeply important to me this time is to sink into the area, to experience the cities (only three) richly and to deepen my relationships with dear friends I get to see while I’m here.

When you drop in and out of a place, you can take in a lot, but you don’t always absorb much.  This time is all about absorption.  I’ve been reveling in long walks through neighborhood streets, noticing the architecture and the people, the daily habits and routines and feels of a different place…my visit becoming more like a short live-in.

Leaning into an extended trip with friends means the quality of our time together has a different tenor.  It isn’t rushed, it can move fluidly between light and heavy topics because we have time for it all, and we have the chance to tighten our connection, not just “spend time together”.  In the course of a week together, there is enough time to have the same conversation a few different times, hitting new levels each time.  It’s luxurious and meaningful.

Ways of traveling aren’t binary – this way or that way.  I am grateful for and fond of the journeys I’ve had in the past that were different than current ones.  What I’ve learned over time is that the best travel experiences are designed from first coming to an honest understanding of what you are craving most, and then building a trip to honor those desires.

Let yourself want what you want and may your travels and explorations unfold accordingly…

When you meander and take your time, you can find quirky treasures anywhere…

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