You can have two gurus

Ever since I did work as a Money Coach with Capital One, I have found money coaching with people to be so compelling.  Which means I end up reading a lot of books and articles that have to do with how we relate to money.  It’s a fascinating topic with an unusual hold on most people.

There are a handful of people I follow / read / listen to / etc., and recently, two of those sources clashed.  Well, it was actually a number of years ago, but I just read an old post from Mr. Money Mustache saying how he vehemently disagreed with most of Ramit Sethi’s (who wrote I Will Teach You To Be Rich) position.

Without falling down the rabbithole of what each of these gents believe and how they differ, I’ll sum it up to say they both have interesting perspectives that vary widely from one another.  And I think they’re both great.  I don’t agree with either of them 100% but I consider what they each say, think about what makes sense from it and what doesn’t, and keep the useful parts as I continue to build and refine my own perspective over time.

Which got me thinking…what makes us feel like we have to align fully with one person over another (or possibly multiple others)?  Why can’t we take what’s useful or interesting or thought-provoking from any given person and still have space for more perspectives?

And, dare I go there?.......Why can’t we agree with some of what one politician says without feeling like we have to back everything they say or admit that there might be multiple perspectives from people across the political spectrum that interest or inspire us?

What if we could start honoring more than one singular perspective?  What if we allowed ourselves as many opinions and viewpoints as we could find in order to build an even better one that serves us more fully than any single one could?  What would be possible then?

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Kayleigh Noele

Kayleigh is based in London, UK and New York City, NY. She has worked in web design for almost two decades and began specialising as a Squarespace Web Designer, working with 100s of small and solo businesses worldwide, in 2017.


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